Literatur - Aufklärung über Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Sonnenlichtraub, Frequenzmissbrauch und deren Folgen

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NATO-Geheimarmeen in Europa:
inszenierter Terror und verdeckte Kriegsführung

Daniele Gansner
Angels Don't Play This Haarp:
Advances in Tesla Technology
Nick Begich, Jeane Manning
Kriegswaffe Planet Erde
Rosalie Bertell
Löcher im Himmel
Nick Begich, Jeane Manning
Welcome to Your Designer Planet!
(Spraying for World Peace: Chemtrails and the Delusion of Geoengineering)
Diskurse des Climate Engineering:
Argumente, Akteure und Koalitionen in Deutschland und Grossbritannien
Stephanie Uther
Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
Elena Freeland
Die Beweise: Volksvergiftung durch Chemtrails
Herold zu Moschdehner
Interview mit einem Piloten.

Planetary Sabotage & Human Extermination.

Mark M. Rich

Chemtrails existieren doch!:

Geo-Engineering ("Chemtrails") im Dienste des Klimawandel-Schwindels 
Frank Hills
Band 3
You're Not Crazy, You're Awakening.
Rev. Dr. Edwige Bingue
Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025 
DVD: What in the world are they spraying.
Die Wahrheit über Chemtrails und Geo-Engineering
mit G. Edward Griffin, Paul Wittenberger, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel       
Chemtrails. Verschwörung am Himmel?
Wettermanipulation unter den Augen der Öffentlichkeit.
Chris Haderer. Peter Hiess

Weather Warfare
Jerry E. Smith
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla :
Haarp - Chemtrails and Secret of Alternative
Tim R. Swartz
Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project
Peter A. Kirby
No Natural Weather:
Introduction to Geoengineering 101

Weather War, Sofia Smallstorm
Chemische Kondensstreifen ("Chemtrails") über Deutschland.
Der Grosse Bruder und die Umsetzung seines Berichtes von Iron Mountain
DVD: Chemtrails.
Sondersendung im 'Radio Umland TV' über Offener Kanal Bremen (28.2.2005)
Werner Altnickel, Jo Conrad
Chem Trails are no Con (trail):
But are a con-troversy and con-spiracy
Steve Holmes
Shining the Light IV
(HAARP: High Frequency Vandalism in the Sky)
Robert Shapiro, Arthur Fanning

Death in the Skies
Rosmary Davis
It’s the biggest cover-up of the 21st century. Dr. Anne-Marie Littleton, accompanied by a likable band of university students, stumbles into a covert black operation called Operation Phoenix. Only Congressman Harter, who is drawn into the conflict and compelled by God’s hand, can help. Davis blends real-world science with nonstop action as she uncovers the dark secrets behind today’s very real chemtrails and HAARP programs. You won’t find a better blend of caffeinated action, Christian values, and unbelievable facts.
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